I AM YOU | Being Her Darkest Friend : Part 1

After a short hiatus we are back to playing video games. This is the sequel to A Fragment Of Her. This game is much darker and deeper. As always you can watch the playthrough at the bottom of this post.

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The last game ended with us smacking Mr Seligmann with our painting after he tried to force us into his office. Selina seems to now be stuck in a state of confusion and finds herself in a dark world. The first person we meet is Tomoko who if anyone else hadn’t realized, is actually a girl not a boy. Tomoko gives us the camera we had before, and we are tasked with going back to the university to get a picture of her favorite sitting spot. When we finish that Tomoko points to the right. We walk that way and find Mr Seligmann.

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After Tomoko, it is time to face Mr Seligmann himself.The encounter we had with him is what LittleRocket believes sent Selina into this dark world of uncertainty. He gives us a paint brush. When we arrive at the university we find a group of students who admire Mr Seligmann. Our job is to show them his true colors. After showing all the students and getting back to the dark world, Mr Seligmann points to the left and some large eyes appear in the middle.


The picture you see above is what those eyes were attached to. Both Mr Seligmann and Tomoko are pointing at the monster as if to say watch out or behold. The monster tells us that they are our conscience but it on the other hand is us. This the Selina’s darkest friend. The dark side of her that she spoke of in the first game. We are apparently one in the same. This is where the episode ends.

Thank you for reading and for all of your support

Don’t Forget. Keep Being Awesome

GoG Sale now on


GoG is putting your wallet on notice, as its 2015 summer sale is underway. As usual, all of the games on offer are DRM-free.

The sale runs through June 21, and GoG is offering bonuses if you reach three different spending thresholds. If you spend at least $1, you’ll get a copy of SimCity 2000. At the $20 mark, you’ll unlock a copy of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Finally, if you spend $50 or more, you’ll get a copy of Xenonauts.

GoG will be posting new discounts every 12 hours, and have said that over 100 games and bundles will be posted each day. The sale begins with significant discounts on bundles of classic LucasArts adventure games, Might & Magic titles, Dungeons & Dragons remakes, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. titles.

The Witcher 3, Jade Empire, Telltale’s Game of Thrones, Lichdom Battlemage, and Jade Empire are some of the games leading off the sale. Check GoG for full details and offers.

fun new things in the lead up to E3

ciao-su =^_^=

Grounded | RPG Maker Horror Game

Grounded is a 2d horror game released in 2013 for free. It follows the story of a girl called Scarlet who wakes up in what seems to be an empty hospital after something happened between her and her step-father.

In our first playthrough which you can watch below, we find out just how creepy a game can be without music. The silence is broken by your character’s foot steps and the occasional sound of dripping water. After wondering around for awhile we meet a doctor who informs us that we should should meet him in ICU. The conversation makes it apparent that the hospital is falling apart as screaming would have brought down the roof above us.

Making our way to the ICU is no easy task as you get this lingering feeling that you might be being watched or followed. Upon reaching our destination we find an injured man. To save him from bleeding out we take it upon ourselves to go fetch some bandages and medicine. This is where this episode ends.

Download the game here: Grounded

Watch the episode here: Grounded : Episode 1

To infinite profits and beyond

Rekindle humanity’s adventurous spirit by leaving the tired Earth to find new fortunes in the untapped resources of Mars in Offworld Trading Company, the economic real-time strategy game from Civilization IV designer Soren Johnson.

Strategic, clean and concise. Still in Development of course but the game itself holds its own in bring a new flavour to the RTS gaming community, which is a hard enough task in itself as it goes up against the greats such as Starcraft, etc.

Like any well crafted RTS game experience, Offworld Trading Company gives you something different with each playthrough which only adds to the in game decisions that could mean a bust or boom for your colony.

ciao-su  =^.^=

Find out more: http://www.offworldgame.com/#news

Purchase the early access: http://store.steampowered.com/app/271240/

You ever played with a T-Rex?

A punishing, old school 2-D platformer with a time-trial twist! Players take control of a T-Rex with extraterrestrial jump boots, tasked with saving dino-kind from extinction. Jump, drop and dash your way through 40+ challenging levels and race against the clock to preserve life during the Mesozoic era!

If you feel like going back to some retro gaming with all the modern gaming around us, this will be a refreshing change of pace for you.

As usual links are below, ciao-su =^.^=

Find out more: http://treefortress.com/app/jumpjetrex/

Purchase early access: http://store.steampowered.com/app/329460/