TGIF: This Game Is Fun

Well it is Friday so why not have a run down of what has been fun this week.

We start this week with an update on the Final Fantasy XV film titled ‘Kingsglaive.’ Square Enix have recently updated the Japanese site  for the upcoming title with new character information and still photos; all looking a lush as the FFXV world has been so far.

The film is expected to release just before Final Fantasy XV’s launch date (30 September) and will set the pace of what is happening in Lucis whilst Noctis & friends are on their own main storyline journey.

-source: Square Enix

“SOME ARE SOLDIERS, WE ARE GHOSTS. We operate far beyond legions and armies, following our own rules. We change the fate of nations from the shadows. We are legends. We are GHOSTS.”

Ubisoft this week revealed the new trailer with showing in game action alongside information on the 4 editions of ‘Ghost Recon: Wildlands’ that will be available; which are:


  • Standard
  • Deluxe
  • Gold
  • Collector



Ubisoft also advertised that any pre-orders will receive a bonus mission set in Bolivia.

On a rather nervous note, upcoming game title No Man’s Sky, has been rumoured to have been delayed. The game was set to be released on June 21st but this seems to have been pushed back. At this moment and time it is still speculation but until official information is released, we are all in limbo as to whether this ambitious game will be delayed.nomansskylore.jpg

source: Kotaku

Now to end it with some trailers. Deus Ex just released the “Mechanical Apartheid” video:

 and Fall Out 4 releases Mod’s on Xbox One first today:

Deus Ex is much loved game on this team making it one of our upcoming games of the summer. However even more importantly, this is the first time Mods have ever been on a console system — What a time to be alive.

as @majornelson said “thanks for watching… see you in the wasteland”

and there’s some interesting stories from this week

keep an eye on littleRocket for more

ciao-su =^_^=